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change your relationship to work, change your life
Ready to ditch burning out at jobs you don't really care about, unfulfilling work, and perfectionism? Grounded Humans offers 1:1 coaching that empowers recovering people-pleasers to find clarity, confidence, & purpose. Join us to break free from others' expectations & start truly owning and living up to your own, unlocking a fulfilling life, career, & YOU that truly feels like you.

get started now
For VH 8.jpg

Founding artist, coach & creator Ninamarie Bell on her home island, Hawai'i

photography by KAHIKI Photography

© Copyright

Are you...?

Ready for "more" in career or life

but unclear what exactly you even want?

Currently In a moment of career or life transition,

wanting to pivot but unclear how?

Afraid you'll never live up to your potential

& craving a clear path to your true self & purpose?

Not trusting yourself to consistently take action

& want the support of a guide by your side?

Unsatisfied by other career coaches or therapists

missing the soul-self/holistic lens?

if so, you're in the perfect place (and time)


Feeling stuck in a career that's unfulfilling & just doesn't feel like you? Sensing there's more to life if only you could pursue a different career path but not finding any jobs that feel exciting? Dream of having a career & life so fulfilling you wake up excited instead of dreading work? Craving an end to anxiety about not living up to your full potential in work & life?

You'll leave this call with clarity on what you actually want in your life/career & guidance on how to take steps toward it.

This 60 min *free* consultation is a gift to bring you:

  • clarity about what's keeping you stuck in your current career

  • a mini breakthrough around what your career & life dreams are

  • AHA's around what is blocking you from what you really want
    (it's probably not what you think) 

  • guidance on specific steps you can take to overcome blocks 

  • at least one tangible action you can take toward what you want

  • a sense of my coaching style

*why is something this good offered free?*
because I'm super passionate about making the initial gift of coaching - which is helping people create meaningful inner shifts & access their own inner clarity with the help of some guidance - accessible to as many as possible. This also allows me to connect with new people every week!

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Struggling in a career you're no longer excited about?
Lost & stuck on what the right next step is to find your purpose & dream job? Want more peace, joy & balance between work & life? Craving a path to nurture a rich, inner life beyond the career grind?

If so, my program is for you!

My signature coaching program will show you the exact framework I used to get clear on my true dreams / desires / purpose, so I could leave the corporate job I was miserable in, and pave my own authentic path to a fulfilling career & life without the burnout. Whether you are stuck in a job you hate OR love your job but feel like you've lost connection with your creativity, joy, passion, or soul-self, and crave deep inner connection & guidance to the path and you that will lead to your fullest potential, this is for you!


"You really helped shift my perspective towards the positive, which was a major turning point for my life. It was so refreshing and lovely the way you made me feel seen and helped me remember what was special about me when I was so down on myself. It truly is a gift what you can do so naturally"


"I really appreciated and took away the permission that was granted to me to explore ideas for my life that are more radical than I usually allow myself to consider. I felt very safe and was able to get vulnerable in the conversation so really appreciated the permission granted in that environment to feel and say whatever I needed."

"It really helped me to understand why I feel my intuition conflicts at times. Since our talk I have been using that analogy to help guide me when I’m making decisions. Knowing which voice is speaking to me and why has taught me a lot about myself and what motivates me."

-R. E.

"I attended a 2-day mini workshop, and then booked a 1-on-1 session. Both were profound, but in their own unique ways. The group experience involved meditation and movement, journaling, deep thinking and group-sharing. I had some really beautiful realizations from the group workshop, faced some ugly truths as well. The 1-on-1 was the perfect addition / extension from the internal work that began during the mini-retreat. I feel so clear about my path for this next "season" thanks to Ninamarie’s amazing capacity to bear witness, hold space for you, and usher you through fears and blockages."
-J. M.

"Being coached by Ninamarie was a memorable and valuable experience. Ninamarie's insightful questions and perspective were unique, guiding and effervescent. After my 1st call, my heart felt lighter, motivated and most importantly, excited for my next chapter.  Thank you for being you, Coach Nina! Your support and inspiration are appreciated and 100/10 recommend!"


"I'm approaching the job search differently now.

I'm more confident
& feel trusting."


“The modules and the 1:1 sessions are my favorite (parts of the program) and found to be very supportive”


"The moment I started the call with Ninamarie, I could feel her deep well of wisdom and enthusiasm. She was a cheerleader for me from the start and I felt such ease in sharing some of the hardest blocks I have encountered while creating a life of purpose. She not only gave me emotional encouragement and support, but even gave me small tangible & actionable steps that I could start taking immediately after our call. I walked away from our meeting feeling empowered, seen, inspired, and capable of creating the kind of life I want. I highly recommend working with Ninamarie in any manner!"
-N. H. 

"Overall, I felt heard and seen. Ninamarie's openness, insight and direction toward authentic living is encouraging, motivating and, at the heart, incredibly loving. Her guidance and support felt present throughout the coaching container."


"One of the takeaways (from our call) on my mind was viewing my journey as a pathway; a winding road that turns and stops, and loops and slows, and speeds up-- it is not a linear journey and requires an observation of our own humanness and gift of grace. Even, and maybe especially, when we feel rushed and impatient at our progress. I am figuring out how to lean into this gunky point. These thoughts seemed to land differently for me  in our session and give me a new perspective."




© K A H I K I P H O T O G R A P H Y



I had no idea that leaping from my corporate job without a clear plan & building an online marketing business during the early pandemic would lead me to uncover my true life's work as a coach & artist guiding people back to their soul-selves, authentic life's work, expression, and lives through a whole new business! I launched Grounded Humans as an evolving artist's vision in motion, a vision and home base that allows me to thrive as a singer-songwriter working on recordings from my home studio, the studio I have lovingly coined the Green Dream Womb (it's painted floor to ceiling in dark, emerald green). One part coaching business, one part digital art studio, and one part soul-people collective, Grounded Humans is on its way to offering more programs and audio support soon (sound healing kits, anyone?).


In the meantime, I am honored to be guiding fellow recovering people-pleasers stuck in unfulfilling jobs & lives that don't feel right back home to soul guidance & paths of highest potential. Back home to their bodies & emotions that have so much wisdom to share, & back home to the vision & dreams that are uniquely their own for a reason, that they've feared naming but cannot let go of inside. I'm overjoyed to get to create my soul's art - music that gently stir hearts & remind us of something forgotten. Part of my career dream was reclaiming the freedom & flexibility to make my music offerings alongside coaching fellow soul-oriented humans back to alignment & purpose. In this unfolding vision & practice, I am honored by you joining me on this journey & hope - through my art & work - to become a meaningful part of yours.

feel like I may be the right coach for you, but still not sure?


In honor of getting the privilege to do the work of my dreams, and to do what I love with as many humans as possible, I continue to offer complementary first time calls to allow anyone interested in uncovering & pivoting their work and lives towards their true-selves & purpose, a chance to take a test drive of my work!
(as well as gain a free mini-breakthrough wherever they feel stuck).

This is truly a no-risk, no obligation, complimentary coaching call where you will leave with at least one "aha" on your desired career pivot. In return, I get to connect with one more soul-oriented human (you!), and do my work of supporting our greater cultural shift to more meaningful, purpose-led work & lives.
I can't wait to speak with you!

Format for the (inner) work

How I structure my coaching work to provide each client maximum results


my signature coaching program is a 3-month, private 1:1 experience called

Career: On Purpose


as your coach I provide you

gentle guidance & accountability to find your true-self, purpose, & path to your dream career & life vision. I tailor my coaching program to meet each client where they're at in order to teach the mindsets, concepts, & tools that have helped me & others shift out of jobs & careers we weren't excited about, into work & a career path we actually wake up excited for & empowered in/by. Words clients have used to describe the style I bring to this role as "gentle, soul-time & powerful". My role is to guide you through a 4-step process that will create your inner career pivot by awakening your truth, intuition, confidence & strong sense of inner guidance, including helping you make confident, aligned career decisions. I assist you with healing sticky emotions, inner blocks & the unaligned coping habits you have been doing that have come between you & your career dream. Through this you leave our work grounded & able to embrace your next career pivot


clients leave my 1:1 work with clarity about who they are under fear & people-pleasing behaviors they've become used to, with clarity about what their purpose is & the career & life they want. They've stopped making career decisions to please & impress others, now directing their own path from confidence, intuition & inner guidance about what they want & are capable of. They no longer burn out to “be the best” in jobs they aren’t excited about, & instead use habits I teach to manage stress like never before, feel joy & deep trust while job searching & on their career journey beyond the program. Some of them pivot out of jobs they are miserable in, gaining assistance from me to find the next, soul-led opportunities. Others find new purpose & exciting opportunities at their current companies & jobs through our work


at the end of each program, we work together to build you a go-to system of tools and practices to support yourself through future pivots beyond our container. So you can find your back to your purpose, vision, and true-you path over & over, through life's many seasons & challenges

life designed for y(our) thriving.

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©2024 by K A L O H Collective, LLC, dba Grounded Humans

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